In the 23. century mankind has spread throughout the galaxy to thousands of star systems. The greatest modern-day heroes are the star colonizers - the men and women at the forefront of this great expansion. All the grown-ups admire them and the children want to become them.
Yet from the population of 72 quadrillions, it is only a few thousand a year that can be sent further into the galaxy. For the selection process, the United Government decided to create the Ground Forge league. It is the greatest, most challenging and dangerous sport ever imagined.
Ground Forge is based on the heroic deeds of the star colonizer Sean Grylls on the planet of Kepler-442b. Following the disastrous failure and crash of his drop pod, he was left with nothing on an alien world. Despite this, he miraculously managed to survive by first recreating the most primitive technologies and work his way up the civilizational ladder. After being stranded and considered lost for years, he was able to rebuild a space-age level comms relay and reestablish contact. To become a star colonizer today, you first have to walk a mile in his mocassins and enter the Ground Forge.
A challenger in the Ground Forge league has to:
* Crash land onto the planet using a military grade drop pod with no equipment.
* Explore their immediate landing ground and the rest of the huge open world beyond.
* Gather raw resources and minerals
* Craft and forge equipment.
* Hone their skills in crafts and martial arts.
* Fight alien creatures.
* Advance through the ages of the human civilization. From sticks and stones to lasers and drones.
* And most importantly: survive!
Pada abad 23 manusia telah menyebar ke seluruh galaksi ke ribuan sistem bintang. Pahlawan modern terbesar adalah penjajah bintang - pria dan wanita di garis terdepan dari ekspansi besar ini. Semua orang dewasa mengagumi mereka dan anak-anak ingin menjadi mereka.
Namun dari populasi 72 quadrillions, hanya beberapa ribu tahun yang dapat dikirim lebih jauh ke galaksi. Untuk proses seleksi, Pemerintah Amerika memutuskan untuk menciptakan liga Ground Forge. Ini adalah olahraga terbesar, paling menantang, dan berbahaya yang pernah dibayangkan.
Ground Forge didasarkan pada tindakan heroik penjajah bintang Sean Grylls di planet Kepler-442b. Setelah kegagalan bencana dan tabrakan pod drop-nya, dia tidak punya apa-apa di dunia asing. Meskipun demikian, ia secara ajaib berhasil bertahan hidup dengan menciptakan kembali teknologi paling primitif dan menapaki tangga peradaban. Setelah terdampar dan dianggap hilang selama bertahun-tahun, ia mampu membangun kembali relai tingkat ruang-umur dan membangun kembali kontak. Untuk menjadi penjajah bintang hari ini, pertama-tama Anda harus berjalan satu mil di mocassin-nya dan memasuki Ground Forge.
Penantang di liga Ground Forge harus:
* Crash land ke planet menggunakan pod drop kelas militer tanpa peralatan.
* Jelajahi tempat pendaratan langsung mereka dan sisa dunia terbuka besar di luar.
* Kumpulkan sumber daya dan mineral mentah
* Kerajinan dan menempa peralatan.
* Asah keterampilan mereka dalam kerajinan dan seni bela diri.
* Melawan makhluk asing.
* Maju melalui zaman peradaban manusia. Dari tongkat dan batu ke laser dan drone.
* Dan yang terpenting: bertahan hidup!